Fascinating article by the BBC's education correspondent on the issue of NEETS, which I have blogged on previously, following the UK Government's 'radical response' to this problem.
It is scandalous that there is nothing in today's budget announcement by the Welsh Assembly Government about tackling this problem, which is especially acute in our most deprived areas.
I certainly hope that there may be more in the detail as dealing with this issue, especially with respect to economic inactivity amongst our young people, is critical to the future of our poorer communities.
It is scandalous that there is nothing in today's budget announcement by the Welsh Assembly Government about tackling this problem, which is especially acute in our most deprived areas.
I certainly hope that there may be more in the detail as dealing with this issue, especially with respect to economic inactivity amongst our young people, is critical to the future of our poorer communities.
if you ask me the whole education service in Wales needs to be overhauled, our politicians need to ask hard questions about what we want from the education system in the short, medium, and long term future for Wales, but im not holding my breath.