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2008 in North Wales

At the end of an interesting year in North Wales, who can say what will happen during the next twelve months?

Certainly, there is not one political pundit that I know of who, twelve months ago, would have predicted an Assembly coalition partnership between two previously implacable electoral enemies.

It is also easy to forget, during this ‘honeymoon period’ given to the new Assembly Government by the media, that the real work remains to be done across Wales.

Political anoraks are overjoyed at the creation of a new commission to look at extending new powers for Wales, but for many ordinary voters, it is the way that the Assembly uses its current powers to support hospitals, jobs and local services which is of paramount importance.

We have still to see any real decisions made over the future of the health service in North Wales, despite this issue dominating the Assembly election campaign. With a far lower financial settlement from Westminster, it will be difficult to retain the local services many campaigners fought long and hard for without substantial cuts elsewhere in the NHS.

For example, the review of breast cancer services at Llandudno Hospital, which is due to report in the New Year, will probably recommend that breast surgery services for North West and North Central Wales should be located elsewhere.

Will the Assembly Government go against such a recommendation when the previous consultation process probably cost one coalition partner a majority and got the other into power?

Creating wealth is the key to the future of our nation and Wales, yet again, finds itself the poorest part of the UK despite eight years of the ‘devolution dividend’ and billions of pounds of European funding.

New ideas are needed across the poorer parts of North Wales and there needs to be a greater focus on creating entrepreneurship and innovation across the region wherever it can be found.

However, that does not mean that we should forget the small local businesses that are the backbone of rural economies. Local shops are closing all over North Wales under the burden of higher business rates, insensitive parking policies and the power of the large supermarkets. 2008 should be the year that small businesses fight back and they should certainly look to use the council elections in May 2008 to make their case.

Indeed, the local elections in May could prove to be a watershed in politics across North Wales, especially as, unless there is a minor financial miracle from the Welsh Assembly, there will be either be a significant increase in council taxes in April or cuts in council services.

Who will the electorate blame for this?

Will they throw out the sitting councillors or will the Labour-Plaid coalition in Cardiff get the blame for not giving local authorities the funding they need to carry out basic services?

Certainly, an extra variable has been added to one authority’s elections.

Following the school protests across Gwynedd, Plaid Cymru could see their main powerbase in Gwynedd disappear at a time when they are finally in government nationally.

The real question is whether the newly formed “Llais y Bobol” Party can get their act together in time and put up local candidates in seats across the county.

If they do, then there could be a ‘people’s revolution’ here in North Wales that reflects the success of independents in Blaenau Gwent.

It promises to be an interesting year


Anonymous said…
Anyone interested in good local government should support the attempt by the ruling Plaid group in Gwynedd to try to tackle the issue of surplus places. When I was the WLGA's education spokesperson we conducted an investigation into the issue of small schools in Wales including a session in Caernarvon. It was clear from the evidence from the then Director of Education in Gwynedd that the small schools were effecting the amount of money available to pupils in urban areas of the county. It was also clear from other seesions that the closure of a school did not automatically lead to the decline of a community. Local government faces some difficult choices in the next few years because of the difficult local government settlement. Failure to deal with surplus places in areas such as Gwynedd is not an option that any responsible politician should even contemplate.

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