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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in Wales 2007

Increasing entrepreneurial activity is critical in addressing economic inactivity and raising levels of prosperity within the poorer communities in Wales.

These are the conclusions of the 2007 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, the annual research study undertaken by the National Entrepreneurship Observatory, a joint project between the University of Glamorgan and Cardiff University supported by the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Commission.

This year’s report is the most comprehensive study ever of entrepreneurship in Wales, and includes a number of special sections on informal investment, enterprise and the welsh language, enterprise education, home-based entrepreneurship, family businesses in Wales, serial and portfolio entrepreneurship, business closures and entrepreneurship within the deprived areas of Wales.

Whilst there has been little change in overall entrepreneurial activity in Wales over the last four years, the study demonstrates that there is still much to be done to support enterprise within Wales.

The GEM study shows that entrepreneurial activity has levelled off in Wales since 2003, although this masks the considerable differences within certain groups within the Welsh adult population. For example, entrepreneurial activity amongst men is twice that for women in 2007, and represents a slight decline since 2006 and further widens the gap between male and female enterprise rates in Wales.

If more focused programmes could increase female entrepreneurship rates to that of the highest regional rates for the UK, then this would imply an additional 11,000 female entrepreneurs per annum involved in starting and managing a new business in Wales.

GEM studies have consistently shown that those with lower household incomes and low qualifications are less likely to be involved in early stage entrepreneurial activity. This year’s study also examined whether there is a link between the level of deprivation across Wales and the level of entrepreneurial activity.

The study shows that the most deprived areas of Wales not only have much lower levels of entrepreneurial activity than more prosperous areas, but that there is a long term trend of lower levels of business ownership in these communities. This suggests that enterprise policies have, to date, not acted as a catalyst to regenerate the poorer areas of Wales.

The GEM report shows that one the key reasons for this is the negative attitudes towards entrepreneurship by adults in these areas. This is due to lower levels of social contact with entrepreneurs, perception of good start-up opportunities and, most importantly, perception of possessing start-up skills.

To address this enterprise deficit, a dedicated programme of training, advice and support should be available to help increase the entrepreneurial intention and activity rates in the more deprived areas of Wales.

Such interventions could, if it brought the most deprived areas up to the current Welsh average for entrepreneurial activity, create around 4,000 new firms every year in the poorest communities.

The full report can be found here.


Anonymous said…
I noticed that BBC Wales did nothing to cover this report on their news, except for "Wales at Work" where the usual crap about the Apprentice and Dragon's Den was dragged up. If, as you say, enterprise can regenerate our communities, it should be headline news. The BBC seems more concerned at gicing publicity to their their mates such as Leighton Andrews with his pie in the sky Mon and menai scheme which will do nothing for Wales. Keep up the good work and try to get it into the thick head of the politicians and media that entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of communities and locla economies and should be encouraged not shunned.
Anonymous said…
'Increasing entrepreneurial activity is critical in addressing economic inactivity and raising levels of prosperity within the poorer communities in Wales'.

not a conservative supporter Dylan but this is very true and im afraid until we get Conservatives in some form in Government in the Assembly things will never change in economic terms.

Sad thing is I bet BBC Wales will give more coverage today to the highest levels of employment in the UK since 1971 story rather than the GEM report, which in Welsh terms in more important.
Anonymous said…

Here's yet another reason why the decision makers shouldn't ignore your work Dylan.
Anonymous said…
What the hell is happening - the stats show that enterprise can change the economy and the politcans are ignoring this. Save my country!

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