It would seem that the Welsh language will be given co-official status by the European Union.
According to a report by Reuters, Welsh is following in the footsteps of Spain where the regional languages of Catalan, Galician and Basque have "co-official" status.
What does this mean for Welsh speakers?
Well, they will be able to use the Welsh language to communicate with the EU, the European Parliament and the European Commission and Ministers can use the language at any EU meetings in Brussels.
Whilst some critics will say this another waste of money, it will clearly strengthen the status of the language outside of its heartlands and give Wales a higher profile within Europe. If it's good enough for the Spanish regions, then it's great news for us.
"Professor Dylan JONES-EVANS
BSc Hons, MSc, PhD, Docent (Entrepreneurship) FRSA MIOD
Dylan is co-director of the newly formed National Entrepreneurship Observatory for Wales and adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration in Finland.
At 29, he was appointed as the youngest professor of business and management in Europe, holding the chair of entrepreneurship and small business management at the University of Glamorgan and subsequently held academic chairs at the University of Wales Bangor and NEWI in Wrexham. Currently Dylan is Deputy Director of the world class Centre for Advanced Studies at Cardiff University and serves as Vice President for the UK for the European Council of Small Business. In addition, he serves in a number of public roles within Wales and sits on the Executive Committee for the Institute of Directors in Wales. He has previously served as Chairman of Community Enterprise Wales and chair of the North Wales branch of the Institute of Welsh Affairs.
He is a regular commentator within the media, with columns in both the Western Mail and the Daily Post. He has published over one hundred academic articles within refereed journals, academic books and international conferences, and is the author of the best-selling textbook ‘Enterprise and Small Business’, with the second edition published at the end of June 2006.
Strange claim then
Dr Dylan Jones Evans has been a leading professor for many many years and unlike some of the crusty old academics who are still in the dark ages, has led the research and thinking in his area of expertise.
Is it jealousy - how sad is that
Anon 1 If Jill Evans has done so much work on this, why hasn't her blog reflected this or her party let us know what has been happening.
Anon 2/3 why the sideswipes what's your agendas here?
Lets be happy that the Welsh Language is being recognised and lets be glad we have thinking academics who can use both an academic edge with practical knowledge and strategic thinking.
Plaid Cymru and Labour are in for a shock in May's local elections maybe that's the reason for the nonny's posts.
Dylan has the difficulty of walking the line between academic analysis and political opinion, which is not an easy task. I remember the late Phil Williams sometimes struggling to be a politician in the sense of playing party politics, as he had friends on all sides of the Welsh political agenda. His instinct was always to put the people of Wales first.
Maybe Dylan's dilemma is that he sometimes struggles to balance the objectivity of his day job with the subjectivity of politics. I wouldn't vote for him, but the Tories has less capable AMs currently in post.
If Jill did the work to secure this, then all belated congratulations (although she needs a better PR machine!)