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From bad to worse

Yet another blow for the Welsh economy as Corus announces 300 potential job cuts at Trostre.

However, if you listened to the extraordinary interview with the Minister for Economic Development on Dragon's Eye, you would have thought nothing is wrong. Worst of all, he was actually put into the position where he was defending Labour's economic record in Wales over the last eight years.

This is genuinely puzzling. I genuinely believe that Ieuan has the personal qualities to make this job a success. Not only that, many of the economic policies developed by Dafydd Wigley and Eurfyl ap Gwilym - many of which are being ignored by the Assembly Government - are also in the same ball park as many of the policies proposed by the Welsh Conservatives.

However, Ieuan has to break out of the straitjacket imposed on him by his civil servants and develop his own policies that will make a difference, rather than defending Labour policies that were developed under his predecessor. If he can skillfully cut a deal over a One-Wales Government, then why can't he develop his own approach to economic development?

As Plaid Cymru constantly repeated whilst in opposition, Labour have failed the Welsh economy since taking power in 1999. This run looks set to continue under the One Wales Government and actually get worse unless Ieuan can begin to develop genuine new policies that will make a real difference to the Welsh economy.

Perhaps one of the problems he has is that all the senior civil servants in the economic development owe their jobs to the previous Minister, so it is natural that they will drive forward with the previous agenda rather than considering any new policies. Would Ieuan have contemplated any of Labour's old policies if the Rainbow Coalition had been created. probably not, and he would have also selected his own team to drive forward the economy of Wales.

At the end of last year, I suggested that Ieuan should call a summit of the brightest and the best to work out a way forward for the Welsh economy. If he doesn't do so now, then the crisis that is enveloping the Welsh economy will be laid firmly at the door of Plaid Cymru at a time when they promised a new approach to developing the prosperity of Wales.


Anonymous said…
all Ieuan Wyn Jones had to say was he would answer questions relating to the past 12 months and if Dragon Eye wanted answers on the past 7 years to ask Rhodri Morgan or another Labour Minister.

However it does show how hard Plaid Cymru are having to fight on economic matters in WAG, because its simply not a priority for Labour which given the current economic circumstances is frightening.
Anonymous said…
Sorry Dylan, I think you've got this wrong. Whilst your descriptions of the economic problems might have merit, you're backing the wrong horse if you think IWJ is a politician with enough clout, calibre or skill to make a real impact in a portfolio as important as this.

As to his skillful deal cutting over One Wales - that creation had more to do with the blundering of the Liberals and the hopes of certain Welsh Labour Ministers past & present, than anything IWJ brought to the table.

He's painfully out of his depth, unlike his fellow Plaid Ministers, and relies totally on his civil servants to keep him afloat.
“… I suggested that Ieuan should call a summit of the brightest and the best to work out a way forward for the Welsh economy.”

I would like to add that there should be no limit on geographical location of the “brightest and the best” attending such a summit. This Welshman would gladly attend if given the opportunity to speak for 20 minutes to summarize how universities in the USA concentrate on acquiring IP protection for their discoveries and how start-ups and even those thinking of start-ups file for IP protection at the earliest opportunity.
Anon 10:44

So that's what I get for giving him the benefit of the doubt!

It must be because it's Friday and I am feeling mellow towards the weekend.

However, if you think I've gone soft, read my column in the Western Mail tomorrow (published her on Sunday). Not a pretty sight for anyone in the WAG.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say, thanks for the posts and keep up the pressure on the economic front Dylan, a good piece on Dragon's Eye last night and even Sharp End had segment on the new business suport scheme.
Anonymous said…
What about the politics of this the Conservatives and Lib Dems need to find out when WAG knew about these and the other closures that have been announced this week, Labour have a long track record of hiding bad economic news in Wales for as long as possible, any chance of some questions being asked?
Anonymous said…
Only 11 days ago in the assembly in his statement on the knowledge economy did IWJ admit that Wales had been going for the branch factories in the past, whereas we should have been going for the branch factories, and the design and research and development offices, the computer headquarters and the company headquarters. He said "we did not, but we are now". That's fine as a statement but where is the real evidence that we are doing anything to attract computer headquarters and company headquarters of an international standing that will enable us to compete with other areas along the M4 corridor eg Bristol and Reading, as well as other more forward looking parts of the UK. Have we got suitable, high quality and strategically situated sites available in order to attract the companies that will offer the type of high salary jobs that will enable our home grown graduates to stay in Wales in order to add to the knowledge economy? I'm not sure that our polititians such as IWJ and Andrew Davies before him are really giving any more than lip service to this issue. Come on WAG do something quickly to stop the situation whereby some of best graduates are disappearing to the silicon valleys further op the M4. road to the silicon valleys in
Anon's comments about IWJ are simply not true. He may well be facing a battle against Civil Servants in Cardiff but from what I have heard from them, he is at least capable of asking probing questions and fully understanding his portfolio.
The Trostre job losses are down purely to the world economic market and the cost of raw materials (up by 30% in recent months). Trostre is the most efficient of Tata's similar plants in Europe and almost all the individuals facing redundancy will have the option of a job in Port Talbot within 12 months. Of course, they were much cheaper to make redundant than their colleagues in the Norway plant but that is down to the flexible working laws that London Labour have forced on Wales-with Tory support.
So now it's the Tories' fault again! Ian seems to conveniently forget that it is his party which is sharing power with Labour, not the Conservatives.

The simple fact is that the Assembly has had responsibility for economic development under devolution for eight years.

Yet the Assembly has singularly failed to build relationships with major employers such as Corus.

As you could see from the politicians' faces last week, the announcement at Trostre was a bolt from the blue, although Corus had probably been planning it for months.

We need a stronger relationship between Government and industry in Wales, not the opposite.

More importantly, Wales needs a new economic approach after the failure of the last eight years.

Instead, what have we had since last July - the continuation of Labour policies that will do little to change the downward trend in prosperity.

Plus ça change...
Anonymous said…
Since when did anyone in Plaid have an original idea ? If they did, it would surely die of lonliness or need grant support !

IWJ has made a significant effort to change policy in favour of SME's and frankly to expect massive change since last Summer is a little cynical-even for a politician!
The Tata decision was relayed to WAG at the same time as it was to London. In other words, the problem here is one of a global company making global decisions without a thought for even letting one of the G8 countries know what was coming. Where I think WAG can make a difference is with more UK based firms, using all sources including unions to get early feedback. Part of the problem though is that the large multi-nationals are in such tight competition that they are loathed to release early such news, incase they give their competitors an edge.

In terms of slagging off the Tories, I only try to do so when they deserve it, which in all honesty is quite often. It's nothing personal but as you have chosen sides, then get used to it.

pob hwyl,


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