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Wales and America

It's worth highlighting a comment from an anonymous contributor yesterday.

"Not really sure where to raise this but I hope you don't mind using your blog I have read about the Northern Ireland Investment Fund from the NY Pension Fund worth around 100 million dollars. I understand that much of this is 'Peace Process' money to help rebuild the economy in NI but why aren't our politicians looking at something similar in terms of inward investment for us. Firstly are our politicians and political parties in Cardiff Bay aware of this and if not why not?Secondly, does Wales have access to people in the New York Stock Exchange who could put a package like this together for Wales?

I think this needs raising by the opposition politicians in Cardiff Bay. The BBC link is below there are others from the Irish papers."

Certainly, I will raise this with the Assembly but it is a shame that we have done very little about cultivating our links with the USA. International Business Wales are growing their presence but we do need to access the Welsh diaspora, as the Irish have done.

Interestingly enough, I have been invited to the USA in nine days time to give a lecture on entrepreneurship and the Welsh economy at the University of North Carolina. The visit is being made possible through a stipend funded by someone with strong welsh connections. I hope that it will play a small part in raising awareness of Wales.

UPDATE: Great article from the News Tribune, Tacoma, Washington State (famous for its wobbly bridges!) which everyone in IBW and Visit Wales should pin to the walls of their offices. Even Rhodri Glyn couldn't have put it better!!


Anonymous said…
thanks for highlighting this as a post Dylan and for looking into it I believe that the Conservatives are the only ones who are asking any type of questions of WAG.

I think our business and trade links with the USA need much more attention, having seen what happens in New York and Washington with Scotland and Ireland's governments. Wales needs to catch up fast.
Anonymous said…
I'm part of that "Welsh diaspora" in America. The WAG and powers that be in Wales just ignore us or think we are irrelevant. Strange, because we sure would like to be involved in helping Wales.
Anonymous said…
says a lot about the mentality of those who govern us Dylan, that someone is prepared to fly you thousands of miles to North Carolina for your expertise on the Welsh Economy and yet those in charge in your own country don't seem to be interested in your expertise.

Best of luck with the speech.
Anonymous said…
I had this comment too which I will answer fully on my blog - the peace money is specifically to break down sectarianism. But having beeb involved in cross border work using it I do think may be we in Wales could find a way into a similar pot.
Anonymous said…
well you and VM have moved another one.Dragons Eye are looking at this and you are raising it with the Assembly -result

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