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The Sun Says - will David Cameron listen?

The one paper which politicians of all parties fear the most (and therefore court the most) is the Sun, Britain's most read daily.

Given that much of the media attention, especially on the BBC, has focused very much on the Brown agenda for unfunded tax cuts, many will be surprised to read the Sun Says column piece which was published this morning.

"At last, the Tories seem to be finding their voice. They have decided to put hard-working taxpayers first — and dump their daft promise to match Labour’s bloated spending.

The cost of running the State has DOUBLED to £600 BILLION a year since Labour took power. Yet, far from using the good years to save for a rainy day, the cupboard is bare.

Taxes have rocketed, with little improvement in health, education or transport.

Welfare bills remain high, despite the creation of three million new jobs. House prices are collapsing. The Pound is in freefall.

Our only option is to take the axe to the bureaucratic monster strangling our job-creating private sector. That means swift cuts in both tax AND spending.

Labour seems ready to gamble the entire economy on a “cut now, pay tomorrow” burst of tax reductions financed by ever-higher borrowing.

That is the economics of the madhouse.

We must show we mean business — in every sense of the word.

The floor is yours, Mr Cameron. Now tell us precisely what you plan to do with it."

That is a damning indictment of the Government's policies and now it is up to the Conservatives to articulate exactly what they will do.

Contrary to the Prime Minister's insistence, it would seem that David Cameron is not alone in opposing unfunded tax cuts as the only economic strategy that can save this country from a deep recession.


Labour's tax credit policies will just 'pauperise' more people, as Melanie Phillips points out. It won't solve the economic crisis and will store up debt that will have to repaid in future. No gain, much pain.

Cutting income tax by 3p and slashing government waste would be a good start if the Tories would take the initiative.
The term unfunded tax cut is a misnomer.

The tax comes from the public and as such, they are the ones funding the government. The term unfunded tax cut suggests that its the government's money and the public are lucky to get some back.

Maybe it is time to start talking more honestly about taxes - anything else just encourages politicians to think that they know what they are doing!

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