Whatever you say about our First Minister, he surely knows how to speak his mind, often without any thought of the consequences.
Of course, in the age of 'speak your weight' politicians, such candour can be refreshing but can also, if misinterpreted, be potentially damaging.
Today's interview in the Western Mail is one such example.
Whilst rightly predicting that the USA would remain Wales’ most important trading partner, he then goes on to say that
"There are some things which despite the huge technological advances America has they are hopeless at. One of them is beer and the other is cheese and I think we can help fill the gap in both cases. American cheese is dreadful, absolutely dreadful, and their beer isn’t much better.”
I must admit that I am quite partial to a bit of Monterey Jack and a pint of Sam Adams when over the pond but clearly the First Minister feels otherwise, although whether he should say it just before going on a trade visit to our most important trading partner is another matter entirely.
However, Sam Adams should not be toyed with on any account!