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Conservatives win the European election in Wales

Bloody hell!

I think will be the reaction from most of Wales to the result tonight although, as I said earlier, there has been a lot of hard work undertaken by Matt and his Welsh team to make sure that this happened.

This was an absolutely dreadful result for Labour and remember that a significant number of traditional Conservative voters - and those who would normally vote for the Party - will have voted for UKIP in the European election and will revert back at the General election.

As for Plaid, their supporters will be terribly disappointed, especially as their media machine has been busy telling everyone they would win the second seat from Labour. The question for them is whether the coalition with Labour in Cardiff Bay is actually affecting their vote as an alternative to the Government.

I also hope that both the BBC and the Western Mail will learn lessons from this result as both have been listening a bit too much to the Plaid spinmeisters not only during this election, but also during the last two years since the Labour.

Perhaps it's time to give the Conservatives a fair break, although somehow I doubt that will happen!


Anonymous said…
Yes Bloody hell,time for a new leader in Wales for Labour now- lets see.
Tories winning in Wales -cataclysmic.
UKIP win a seat, where are the Lib Dems,Kirsty needs to reflect.
What made me shiver was 37 thousand voted for BNP.
I am sure that this will send an electric shock to those labour voters who just didn't vote.
This to me makes a general election a far more exciting prospect and also sends a very clear message to UK and Welsh labour -don't take Wales for granted.
True socialist said…
What did you expect?

The Labour Party in Wales has gone from being the party of Bevan, Foot and Callaghan to being represented by the likes of Peter Hain, Chris Bryant, Alun Davies and Leighton Andrews.

It is time for the Welsh Labour Party to take a long hard look at the people representing it as they have absolutely nothing in common with the average Labour supporter.

Whatever you say about Huw Lewis, at least he represents the true voice of the Labour Party
cymrumark said…
Dylan why did the Tories do so badly in Conwy? In a seat they won at every election from 1970-1997 they lost to Plaid by ten votes, yet won wrexham Alyn and Deeside etc?

Given that this is almost certainly the high water mark for the Tories in Wales its not great news for them.
Anonymous said…
and its great news for the nationalists is it, that they said they would win the second Euro seat and yet came in third place? You won by ten votes against a local tory party that is hopelessly divided and a candidate that seems to be working all on his own. UKIP also got nearly 2000 votes and most of them will return to the tory fold in May.
cymrumark said…
Yes anon it is great news for the Nationalists. The boundaries are better for us in Aberconwy. Secondly it seems the left of centre vote largely stopped at home, a chunk of UKip will be tories for westminster but not all of them.

The turn out for the assembly election was much higher than the euro election so might well be a better guide to the westminster result.

As I say terrible result for the Tories on an night they won in Wales for the first time since 1918.
yes we got carried away with our own predictions but we won where we needed to.

Very happy plaid people in Conwy...
Frankly I haven't a clue what went on in Conwy - I shall ask around.

But tell you what, Mark, let's put your money where your mouth is.

I am willing to wager you £500 that the Conservatives will take the Aberconwy seat at the next general election.

The winnings will be donated to Ty Gobaith.

Are you game?
Clarence said…
I hope this is the start of Welsh Voters actually thinking about the issues in Wales rather than voting Labour because they have always done so. There has long been an arrogance amongst Labour politians that Wales belongs to them. Well not anymore. Can anybody tell why Brown is still hanging on and what does he hope to achieve by it?
Clarence - I certainly hope so although Labour's line today from Hain and Morgan is still based around that of those "nasty tories who are going to cut public services" rather than on any actual policies they will implement to take us out of recession.
cymrumark said…
Dylan. An easy offer for you to make as you have between five and six times my income. Make it £100 and your on.
Tudor said…
£500 was the bet.
Dylan, if Mark is as confident as all that, he will take you on, on your original bet!
Anonymous said…
I was there said,
Plaid did not look too happy at the count.
Come the revolution,there will be a Tory gain in Aberconwy.
Anonymous said…

Please tell Mark Jones ( Cymru mark)
not to keep the champagne on ice.

Guto is going to and will most certainly win with a very good majority indeed.

Lot's of Love to Angela, whist hoping that she returns a Westminster seat for us in Cardiff West x
Mark - arguing that someone earns more than you is irrelevant if you are so confident in your prediction of a Plaid victory.

However, I am willing to meet you halfway with a bet for £250 which will go to a worthy local charity. That amounts to less than a pound per day until the general eelction is called.

Your call.

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