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Quote of the day

"I think it sends a very clear message to everybody in Wales. If you don't vote Labour, if for example you vote Plaid Cymru, you will get the Tories.
Peter Hain after Labour's worst result in a Welsh election since 1918

Yes, Peter, this is exactly what happened after the last Assembly election!

Given the drivel that has been written on his now defunct Aneurin Glyndwr website, Labour just don't get it and this is why they lost heavily in Wales.

When will he, from the comfort of his large house in Neath, wake up and smell the flowers? It isn't about class war and those 'nasty Tories' anymore.

It isn't about public service cuts, especially when his own government will have impose half a billion pounds of cuts on the Assembly for next year.

It is about how his Government have let down the most vulnerable in society, the mess they have made of the economy, the thousands of well-paid manufacturing jobs they have lost through inaction and the fact that Wales, despite billions of pounds of taxpayers' spending, remains bottom of the prosperity league table.

With such words of wisdom, you can see exactly why this great man was brought back into the Cabinet with a "new vision" for Welsh Labour.

Doesn't say much about the PM's views of the talents of the other 29 Labour MPs in Wales, does it?


Anonymous said…
Worse still this isn't new, Labour were using the vote Plaid Cymru, get Tory phrase in the 2001 General Election when Labour was on top and the Tories were nowhere near where they are now in terms of votes or seats in Wales.

No original thought in the Labour Party what so ever, not surpirsing really.
Gordon's Nappy said…
I notice that Leighton Andrews' blog aka David Taylor has had a hissy fit about his leak to the western mail. Labour in Wales just can't help themselves, can they.

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