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The Ashes in Cardiff

Having been walking past Sophia Gardens for the last three days and hearing the shouts of the Barmy Army echo across the Taff, I am finally going to see the Ashes Test Match today although, typically, rain is promised.

It is still an amazing thought to think that the first Ashes Test match between England and Australia has been held here in Cardiff and not in Lords, Old Trafford or any of the other traditional test grounds around the country.

Of course, the exposure for Wales as a result of the test match has been tremendous and a welcome boost for Cardiff business at a time of recession. Some of the local firms have done tremendous businesses with pubs and restaurants reporting over 200 breakfasts every morning for supporters!

Whilst, there are estimates that the Sophia Garden development could generate £80 million for the Welsh economy during the next five years, the real fact is that millions of people who didn't know about Wales will have had a highly favourable view of the capital city and the local people.

In particular, the world's largest group of middle class consumers - the cricket mad Indians - will probably have seen the fantastic scenes from the camera on the BetFair blimp above the ground.

This has provided a spectacular bird's eye view of the beauty of the city's parks, Cardiff castle, and the walk down to the Millennium Stadium with Cardiff Bay in the background. What we need now is for a massive follow-up campaign to the Indian sub-continent to attract tourists to Wales as a result of this sporting event.

If the rain does come today, the match will probably peter out into a draw but whatever happens, Wales is most definitely the winner in this first Ashes Test match.


Anonymous said…
Erm... No! It is not good publicity at all for Cardiff or Wales. It will only strengthen the opinion in countries far and wide that Wales is simply a region of 'England'. Cardiff's USP is that it is the capital of Wales, if people consider it simply as another small English city, why will they bother coming again. We should have our own Welsh International Cricket Team. That WOULD be superb news for the Swalec Stadium, Cardiff and Wales, and would generate a lot more income in the long run than the odd game between two foreign countries!
Anonymous said…
You are Adam price and I claim my prize - tickets for two to see the Non-British Lions play in New Zealand in 2013.
Jeff Jones said…
As someone who played a small part in the team that put together the bid for the Ashes can I say that anon is really talking rubbish. The winning of the first Ashes test was a fantastic PR coup for Wales plc. The City council had an incredible bargain given that they only gave a loan to help build the stadium. The rest of the money came from a bank and private investors. The stadium is a classic example of a private /public partnership at its best and will bring immense benefits to Wales. This is why the Assembly has quite rightly backed both the Ashes and the Ryder cup in 2010. It isn't just about sport. It is also about raising the profile and potential of Wales on a world wide stage. Indians in particular are fanatical about cricket. The investmaent by Tata in both Corus and Jaguar shows what India will achieve in the 21 st century. Cardiff as a test ground will ensure that many Indians will actually for the first time now know where Wales is on the world map. The one man responsible for this achievement is Paul Russell the Chairman of Glamorgan Cricket. It was a privlege to work alongside him. The stadium is a tribute to his vision for both Glamorgan and cricket in Wales.
Jeff - thanks for your insightful comments.

I have just returned from the match and the atmosphere was electric.

More importantly, everyone I spoke to thought that Glamorgan cricket Club had done the nation proud and many would come back to Wales in the future.

A real success.
Anonymous said…
Dylan, do you think that we in Wales should have our own Welsh International Cricket Team? If not why not?

Frequent games between Wales and other cricket nations would fill the Swalec stadium many times a year, which will generate a LOT more income than a 1-off match of two foreign teams!

The Ryder Cup is a completely different scenario, and will indeed put Wales on the map. The Ashes, with England playing at 'home' in Cardiff will only strengthen the view that Wales is simply a region of England, and will not be beneficial in the long run.
Anonymous said…
"Frequent games between Wales and othjer cricket nations would fill the Swalec stadium many times a year".

Yes, I can just see Australia, South Africa and India queuing up to play Wales!

After all, don't Ireland and Scotland already have regular test matches against these teams.

Oops they don't.

Next, you'll be saying we should abolish the British and Irish Lions - oh, the nats already did!
Oscar said…
do come back and support Glamorgan when they come to play at Rhos on Sea, perhaps give Guto a hand at the same time!
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