You have got to hand it to Albert Owen, MP for Anglesey for maximising his political advantage in the Daily Post today.
Taking advantage of the increase in Anglesey's quota of Labour councillors at Thursday's elections, he has now assumed the mantle of the saviour of Wylfa Nuclear Power Station. Albert is looking to extend the life of the plant beyond March 2010. Ironically, as some cynics might argue, this would be two months before the final possible date of the next general election.
Regardless of politics, Wylfa is a highly emotive issue on Anglesey and will play well on the doorsteps, where jobs and the economic state of the Island are probably the key issue. Helping to save 500 jobs, even for a few years, certainly won't do Albert's re-election chances any harm.
Taking advantage of the increase in Anglesey's quota of Labour councillors at Thursday's elections, he has now assumed the mantle of the saviour of Wylfa Nuclear Power Station. Albert is looking to extend the life of the plant beyond March 2010. Ironically, as some cynics might argue, this would be two months before the final possible date of the next general election.
Regardless of politics, Wylfa is a highly emotive issue on Anglesey and will play well on the doorsteps, where jobs and the economic state of the Island are probably the key issue. Helping to save 500 jobs, even for a few years, certainly won't do Albert's re-election chances any harm.
No, but Good Ole Gordon will ;)