As Cynical Dragon sadly calls it a day, it gives me even more reason to make the return to blogging permanent.
During the last month when I have been off blogging, I have had people come up to me out of the blue saying that they read the blog and were wondering why I had stopped. It really surprised me as I thought that hardly anyone bothered.
The reason for stopping was nothing sinister - my whole focus during the last six weeks has been on getting into my new job and ensuring that a multi-million pound project gets the funding to support Welsh business.
I have also been spending all my spare time ensuring that this year's Fast Growth 50 project was completed. This is now done and a week on Friday, 400 businesspeople will be actually celebrating the success of Welsh business at our gala dinner.
I am also probably the only person in Cardiff who is currently moving house!
Anyway, I will now make the time to blog as we do need a political balance on the Welsh blogosphere, especially as my own party seems reluctant to do so with a few exceptions.
If comebacks are good enough for Take That and Frank Sinatra, then it's good enough for me!
By the way, I will be on Wales at Work on BBC Radio Wales at 6.30pm this evening discussing the Welsh economy for those who are mildly interested.